1. Adapt to the work environment
The company must have a strategy and a plan to deploy measures adapted to their activity. Such as tests and protective devices work. To be able to protect the health of its employees. Likewise. Home/workplace transport must be considered an integral part of the workspace. For which managers must ensure that their employees limit their risk-taking.
2. Communicate, inform in full transparency
Employees must have absolute confidence in the safety of their work environment and the feeling. Their management has their health as their primary concern. This will require permanent. Transparent, and objective information on the actions taken by the company to ensure. The workplace is protected from the transmission of the disease.
3.Verify the information
The fear of a return of the second wave of Covid-19 will generate. An increase in false alarms and truncated information evoking pseudo resurgence. Outbreaks or sanitary faults likely to disrupt the smooth running of the business. Wrongly influence management decisions and employee behavior. Finding out from the best sources about the reality of the health situation will be essential.
4. Give occupational medicine an essential role
The long period of uncertainty. Opening must confirm the role of corporate medicine at the heart of the recovery. This medical center will be critical as a trusted third party between employees and management, in terms of advice. Information, and management of personal information related to employee health. In particular, that relating to tests.
5. Protect the mental health of employees
Many people could come out of the period of confinement destabilized, a source of isolation, withdrawal into oneself. Reduced physical activity, generating stress or addictions. The most vulnerable employees must be quickly identifie by their managers to benefit from specific emotional support. The notion of well-being at work will have to be reviewe to integrate these elements.
6. Manage absenteeism
The continuation of the epidemic will create a variety of reasons for absence, between employees absent for medical. Ersonal, or family reasons, people isolated or in quarantine. Or other reasons related to the organization of work. This will put companies in the face of a situation of unprecedented absenteeism. To control it. It will be necessary to rethink. The dynamics of work and the essential functions for which adaptations will be necessary for this exceptional situation.
7. Manage the health and physical safety of expatriates
Many companies have employees who have remained expatriated to this day. In some countries, the health crisis has engendered an economic crisis generating social tensions and even criminality. Ensuring the safety of expatriates and those around them in these degraded living. Working conditions must be a priority more than ever.
8. Adapt to the constraints of medical confidentiality
Each employee’s immunological card. Their personal risk profile or their past exposure to Covid-19. May be information that will contribute to their resumption of activity. As this information is liable to fall under the seal of medical confidentiality. Company directors must ensure. They comply with regulations and employee rights in order to allow a confident resumption of activity.
9. Increase it’s social responsibility
Businesses need to ensure the safety of their suppliers and customers. More generally, they will have a key role to play vis-à-vis their external ecosystems. In particular in areas that will be severely affected by the health and economic crisis (in France or abroad). This should lead to bringing the UN’s sustainable development goals back to the fore. In particular number 3 on health for all.
10. Strengthen cybersecurity
Teleworking and the increased use of digital tools. Employees from their homes have led to a sharp increase in potential breaches in the company’s computer network. Likewise, in a context of economic fragility, online fraud is on the rise (false offers to purchase masks. Hydroalcoholic products or health protection tools, etc.) Vigilance must be maintained on these questions as soon as possible. the first few days of returning to work. Click here
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