In the beginning, when aspiring to become an influential user on Instagram it is commonplace to hear time and time again that they should be looking at what other successful users are doing on Instagram and almost follow them. This advice is quickly reversible when users begin to notice how influencer posts are being similar and don’t wish to keep following the same type of content every day.
If you’ve found yourself facing the same issue regardless of whether you’re an influencer or as a business owner who wants to promote their business on Instagram InstaBoost have got the answer for you. Should you wish for your Instagram images to stand out, you’ll have to shift your attention from aesthetics to other aspects such as mastering the art of the mobile phone camera, doing the competitive study (not to copy, but to think of more innovative ideas) and conducting consumer research if you need to.
In terms of smartphone photography is concerned and how to make your Instagram feed appear flawless, go read on to learn more about it.
Make Your Followers Feel Welcomed
If someone is visiting their profile on the first day, let them feel welcome with an image that is full of smiles. Even if you’re not skilled at smiling, you could discover how to modify a smile on the photo. So, you don’t have to throw an otherwise perfect photo to the bin.
The great thing about Instagram is that images that have faces on them perform better than pictures with no smiles. In the actual sense, there’s a 38% greater chance of being appreciated. The addition of a smile on photos that have faced will increase your chances of being liked and you should have at minimum a few of them on your Instagram feed and pick them over other photos if you plan to make them the focus of your app.
Think About the Composition
If you’re adept at snapping selfies and sharing photos on your Instagram feed they’ll look unbalanced or overloaded. It’s because you’re taking up all of the space with your pictures and it’s hard for the eyes to take in all around.
Negative photography and space seem like they’re scarier than they are. Just make sure to contrast some images taken from afar and then throw them into the mix alongside all selfies and close-ups. Imagine it this way If you’re taking photos of the duck swimming in a pond that is empty The pond is empty space.
In this image, the sky and grass are the only negative space. If the ratio of negative space isn’t right in the image it doesn’t mean you have the expertise or understand everything about compositional photography to figure out if there’s a problem with the composition.
Plan Your Feed
It’s important to remember that you shouldn’t solely focus on individual images. What is your feed appear when you look at it as a whole? There is a myriad of Instagram planners and tools for managing social media you can utilize to ensure that your Instagram feed appears exactly as you would like it to.
This ensures that any person who is visiting your page actually is following your profile instead of passing by.
Are Your Photos Scroll-Stopping?
If you’re an account that’s young and looking to build a following, make sure you post pictures that aren’t only beautiful and captivating, however, they should also be unique. Consider every post you scroll through on your feed and think of ways to create something that doesn’t go with the photos.
From shocking colors to eye-catching chunks of text and bizarre graphic designs, there’s no limit to the kinds of things that cause a normal user to take a moment to pause.
Consider the following example:
The unsettling lines, colors, and the design, in general, aren’t things you’d normally encounter on Instagram. This photo will not only appear stunning when that is sandwiched between lots of empty space but it will be a big draw for everyone’s attention.