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What are the conditions for medical termination of pregnancy?

An un want pregnancy confronts the women concern with a difficult decision. In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, an abortion was sometimes even punishable by death. Abortion is still anchor in the penal code today. According to current law, an abortion with Get abortion pills in Dubai in UAE has been fundamentally illegal since January 1, 1996. The Schaumburger Nachrichten took International Women’s Day on March 8th to shed more light on Paragraph 218 and the associate work of pregnancy conflict counseling.

The decision to have a child often turns life upside down, but in most cases it is a happy event. The situation is different if a woman becomes pregnant unintentionally. In such cases, the second strip of a pregnancy test is no cause for joy, on the contrary: fear and despair arise.

Such things happen

“Such things happen. Almost every woman can understand this and has had the fear of being pregnant at one point or another. These are not exotic exceptional cases and occur in all age groups, social situations and classes, ”explains Ulrike Dommnich. Together with her colleagues Gisela Enders and Gisela Schafer, the social pedagogue advises women, men, couples and families on the counseling for pregnant women and conflict counseling of the District Association of Workers’ Welfare (Get abortion pills in Dubai).

Although there are a variety of birth control options these days, no method is 100 percent safe. Condoms burst, the effect of the pill is not guarantee by taking other tablets (or because one was forgotten) – there are different reasons for an un want pregnancy. Certainly some have simply neglect contraception.

Nevertheless, the certainty of being pregnant

Nevertheless, the certainty of being pregnant is initially a shock for the women concern. From her experience in pregnancy conflict counseling, Enders knows: “Then the panic is big.”

Many of the women who turn to the pregnancy conflict counseling service are indecisive and insecure. Overwhelmed with the situation and the decision that goes with it. “Most women who become pregnant unintentionally only know: I have huge problems. Explains Heide Marie Anouska, managing director of the Awo district association.

It is all the more important for the consultants to handle this sensitive issue with care and to help with decision-making. Some of the women who take advantage of the counseling service at Get abortion pills in Dubai have already decide to carry the child to term or to have an abortion, while others are unsure. If a woman has decided to have an abortion. Counseling at a recognize pregnancy conflict counseling center is required by law. But Awe is also a point of contact for those who do not know what to do – and the goal is clear. The employees of the advice centers Get abortion pills in Dubai are obliged to advise “to protect unborn life” and “openly”, it says Law. This means,

You often notice that the Women

“You often notice that the women are wondering what the counselors want to hear from them. But we don’t issue any reports here, ”explains Enders. Regardless of the decision for or against the child. The social pedagogues specially train for pregnancy conflict counseling stand by the women, reassure them and show them perspectives.

Dommnich knows how difficult and stressful the situation is for the pregnant woman: “There is no other area that requires such intensive advice. It is important to create an atmosphere in which the women feel that they can open up. ”Especially since the pregnant women are also under a certain time pressure, since an abortion is subject to strict legal regulations and in UAE according to current law only within the first twelve weeks after conception.

“It also happens that women ask us what we would do in their situation,” says Enders. The consultants cannot, do not want to, and must not, of course, make the decision for them. However, they are at the side of the women and their partners with advice and action – they help with legal issues as well as financial questions and family and personal problems. The counseling is based on the needs of women or couples is anonymous and free of charge and can still be used after a termination.

“Women who have an abortion have a keen sense and often make their decision very responsibly,” is Hanauske’s experience.

Termination of pregnancy

In Dubai , termination of pregnancy has been fundamentally illegal since January 1, 1996. Special exception rules apply to a punishable termination of pregnancy. An abortion is not illegal if:

The woman requests the termination of the pregnancy and provides a certificate that she obtained advice from a recognized pregnancy conflict counseling center. At least three days before the termination.

The pregnancy is terminate by a doctor within twelve weeks of conception.

There is an indication establish by a doctor:

If there is a medical indication, even after the twelfth week: If there is a risk to the physical or mental health of the woman (Section 218a (2) of the Criminal Code). And with a criminological indication: if the woman is the victim of rape or another sexual offense. (Section 218a (3) of the Criminal Code)

The cost of an unpunish abortion at Abortion pills in Dubai online without an indication must be borne by the woman herself. However, it is possible to apply to the state to cover the costs through the health insurance companies. The health insurance companies bear the costs for the medical consultation as well as the examination before and after a termination and. If necessary, the treatment of complications.

The compulsory counseling before an abortion results from the legislation of Section 218 of the Criminal Code. It includes social, medical and legal aspects as well as offers of help.

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