Indian Railways has started its first Pod Hotel or Pod Room at Mumbai Central Railway Station from Wednesday. Such rooms are quite famous in America and Japan. If a passenger feels tired after a train journey, then he can take rest by stay at this pod hotel at the station itself.
Equipped with modern amenities, this capsule-roomed hotel can accommodate a traveler of 12 to 24 hours. The fare for staying here will range from Rs 999 to Rs 1999. Railways says that keeping in view the convenience of the passengers, its fare has been kept very low. Read Here: Latest Sports News
According to the Railways, the fare for private pods will range from Rs 1249 to Rs 2499. If you are visiting Mumbai on a short business trip, or want to take a group of kids for a walk, then this hotel is a best place to stay. The Ministry of Railways has shared some pictures of this world class pod on its social media page.
These countries already have ‘pod hotels’
According to IRCTC officials, this pod hotel on the first floor of Mumbai Central Terminus has a total of 48 rooms. The length of these rooms is 7 feet, width and height is 4 feet. The ‘pods’ have a comfortable bed like a hotel. The first such hotel in the world was started in Japan. There are now a large number of pod hotels in Japan, Russia, US, UK, Netherlands, Singapore and Malaysia. Urbanpod is one of the first boutique pod hotels to open in India.
What is Pod Hotel?
Pod hotels are capsule-shaped rooms. All these are air conditioned rooms. At present, the Pod Hotel is divided into four categories. Which have different prices and features. The pod rooms at Mumbai station are divided into Classic Pod, Exclusive Ladies Pod, Exclusive Ladies Pod and Suited Pod. Based on this, its price has been fixed.
These facilities will be available in the hotel
A place will be made for the people to sit in the common area.
Special care will be taken for cleanliness here.
Pod hotel rooms will not have a bathroom.
The rooms will have satellite TV, complimentary Wi-Fi.
There will be facilities of baggage locker, power socket, USB port outside the room.
The Pod Hotel will also have 2 business center desks available where one can do their job with a coffee.
In this cafeteria available in this hotel, food will also be served to the person till 10 pm.
The hotel is spread over 3000 square feet
IRCTC has awarded the contract for establishment, operation and management of POD Concept Retiring Rooms for 9 years on open tender basis. The site is on the first floor of the Mumbai Central Railway Station building. It is built in 3000 square feet. See Here: Trending Songs
This capsule room is different from dormitory
Capsule rooms are a modern and compact version of the existing railway retiring rooms or dormitories. Railway retire rooms are AC or non AC, but all the capsule rooms start in Mumbai are connected to the central AC vent. Its beds are more comfortable than the rooms in the retiring room and every room is equipped with a TV.