Improve your social activity
If you recognize yourself in this description, then it’s time for you to develop your social activity. Of course, it’s much easier said than done, especially if you are embarrassed to meet new people, live according to the “home, work, home” scheme, or constantly move.
But we’ve put together a few versatile ways to help you start small, practice your communication skills, and gradually build up your dating list.
1. Get to know your neighbors
Why not revive a good tradition and get to know your neighbors? We are talking not only about the roommates with whom you are already forced to contact but also about the neighbors in the staircase, floor, street.
This advice is especially useful for those who are constantly moving or have recently moved and are faced with the problem of lack of communication. Get the help of a personality generator to identify whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert.
Show your neighborly hospitality: introduce yourself, invite them to tea or something stronger, ask them about their hobbies and interests. In the worst case, you will remain just acquaintances, good neighbors who have established contact with each other. At best, you can become friends, and in the future, maybe even friends.
2. Sign up for a circle or section of interest
It is foolish to think that circles or sections of interest are a hobby for schoolchildren and students. Perhaps, since childhood, you dreamed of learning to play the guitar, form your own band and perform in bars, but you always lacked the skills.
By signing up for courses on playing musical instruments, you can not only improve your skills, but also find like-minded people, and maybe even those who will help you make your dreams come true.
Mugs, master classes, sections, courses, schools – if you have free time, be sure to sign up somewhere because this way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will start self-development and at the same time you will pump your communication skills with interested people like you …
Play games with your friends for fun that also helps you to know more about them. With the star wars name generator, get numerous names for your favorite star wars character.
3. Take a closer look at your classmates and colleagues
Often we are surrounded by interesting and multifaceted people, but we do not notice this point-blankness. This is because we do not take them seriously or are used to considering them in only one role: classmate, colleague, acquaintance.
We do not look closely at these people, even without giving them a chance to prove themselves. At least for the sake of the experiment, try to talk with your colleague for more than five minutes. And expand the topics of your conversation from work and the general state of affairs to the sphere of his interests, his views, and beliefs, his dreams.
You may be amazed at how much you did not know about the person who has been working side by side with you for several years now.
4. Find your social circle
If you constantly communicate with the same people, united by a sphere of interests, profession, or outlook on life. And at the same time complain that you do not like communicating with them, start experimenting. You must find your social circle, those people with whom you will be comfortable communicating, sharing your opinion, and spending your free time.
For some, such a circle of communication will be party-goers, drinkers, someone is more attracted by smart conversations, and someone is just looking for like-minded people.
The sooner you understand what you need from all this. The easier it will be for you to find a common language with people you have an interest in and cut off those with whom you have nothing in common.
5. Restore old contacts
Each of us has people whom we knew well in the past, but communication with whom for some reason was interrupted. These can be childhood friends, buddies, classmates or classmates, people from previous jobs. It’s never too late to reconnect with them if they don’t mind.
Send a message to a person, find it on social networks, call the number that you still have. Don’t worry about not finding the words to explain why you haven’t been in touch for so long.
It is likely that the person will simply be happy to hear you, and after the established conversation. Both of you will decide whether it is worth continuing the communication, or it is better to put an end to your relationship.
6. Participate in social events more often
Another effective way to improve your social skills is to find social events that suit your interests. For example, if you love reading, then ask the library if they have any thematic meetings. If you love movies, then you can attend suitable exhibitions or private screenings of films.
It is easy to find such events: they usually have separate pages on social networks. Or information about them is present on popular cultural and public portals of the city.
7. Concentrate the other person’s attention on what unites you
If it seems to you that communication with the interlocutor does not work out. Try to cling to something that unites you. It can be a little thing like your favorite movie, your favorite book, being in similar situations. The same habit that you both want to get rid of.
Even such a small detail can help you reconnect with a person. And your interlocutor, in turn, will be able to reconsider his attitude towards you. After all, the commonality of views, ideas, or interests incredibly brings people together.
8. Try to meet with friends regularly
Even if you are almost always busy, like your friends, always try to set aside at least a couple of hours a week in your schedule to communicate with loved ones. This time is necessary in order to keep your social life active.
You can agree to meet on a weekend for a cup of coffee or play board games together at someone’s home. If you live in different cities, then you may well set aside one evening for a joint video call. This will help you not only develop your social skills but also maintain your friendship over the years.
9. Say yes more often
If you get an invitation to go to a new place or meet somewhere outside the home. Try to answer in the affirmative as often as possible. The opportunity to gain new and interesting experiences, you should not avoid.
After all, it is this experience that brings you closer to people who experienced it with you. Be open to unusual suggestions and crawl out of the house more often, leaving your comfort zone.